Colored vertical line

Buscaremos su estilo ideal y llenaremos su casa con colores alegres y diseño atemporal.

Colored vertical line

Buscaremos su estilo ideal y llenaremos su casa con colores alegres y diseño atemporal.

For all types of homes

We make all types of projects for various types of homes and apartments

For all types of homes

We make all types of projects for various types of homes and apartments

For all types of homes

We make all types of projects for various types of homes and apartments


Hello, I’m Olga! Welcome to my colourful world! Whether you need help with jazzing up your home by adding some new colours and statement pieces, or you have a new place to design from scratch and you don’t know where to even begin – you’re in the right place.

My decorating style is eclectic and chic, with pops of vibrant colours. I’m an avid thrifter and lover of antiques. I’m swoon by the luxurious décor and materials featured in Architectural Digest, but I also believe that upcycling is both sustainable and fun. 

One thing you can be sure of is this will be about building a home of your dreams. I will help you formulate your design style and express yourself through your home.



¡Hola, soy Olga! ¿Os gustaría dar más carácter a un espacio existente y añadirle nuevos colores y alguna pieza singular? ¿O tenéis una casa vacía y no sabéis por dónde empezar? Os ayudaré con mucho gusto.

Me encanta crear espacios eclécticos con toques de colores alegres y vibrantes. Soy muy de buscar verdaderos tesoros en los mercadillos y las tiendas de antigüedades. Aplaudo al diseño sostenible y upcycling, pero tampoco me cierro a las marcas y revestimientos de alta gama.

Si de algo podéis estar seguros, es que siempre se tratará de buscar VUESTRO estilo y ayudar expresaros a través del vuestro hogar.




Diseño de interiores

Interiores atemporales y eclécticos adaptados para todo tipo de presupuesto. Desde pequeños cambios como actualizar y refrescar la decoración de su casa, asesoría de color y tableros de inspiración (moodboards) hasta diseño integral de interiores y visualizaciones 3D.


Home staging

Servicios de ‘Home staging’ para inmobiliarias y promotoras. Utilizando diversas técnicas que permiten mejorar el aspecto de la casa drásticamente con un mínimo presupuesto, conseguiremos aumentar el precio de venta o alquiler de una vivienda.


Visualización 3D

Servicios de render fotorealista para estudios de arquitectura e interiorismo (modelado en 3ds Max, texturizado, iluminación, renderizado y postproducción)


Want to get yourself a beautiful interiors for your office? Just click the button below and fill out a simple (and fun) quiz. We'll be in touch with you soon


Marta Sanchez

Product Manager

Want to get yourself a beautiful interiors for your office? Just click the button below and fill out a simple (and fun) quiz. We'll be in touch with you soon


Marta Sanchez

Product Manager

Want to get yourself a beautiful interiors for your office? Just click the button below and fill out a simple (and fun) quiz. We'll be in touch with you soon


Marta Sanchez

Product Manager


Five Stunning Exterior Home Improvement Ideas

The outside of your home is the initial impression that visitors and passersby receive of your living space. It serves as a reflection of your style, taste, and personality. If you’re aiming to augment your home’s kerb appeal, consider these stunning exterior home improvement ideas that can transform your property and create a lasting impression.

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Easy Home Upgrades To Add Sophistication & Style

In these turbulent times, when money is tighter than ever and our every single day seems to be packed full of personal and professional commitments, it is more important than ever before for your home to give you a maximum amount of joy and positive vibes.
Do you want your home to be a relaxing sanctuary? Or do you also want it to make a statement and reflect your creative and stylish personality? If you identify with the latter, here are five ways to upgrade your home with a view to injecting glamour and sophistication.

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