Browsing Tag

furniture makeover

  • Turquoise balcony doors and lilac bed throw

    How I Painted My Balcony Doors – Tutorial

    I’ve been meaning to redecorate my bedroom since spring, although it’s been going kinda slow. But I’ve been picking up ideas along the way, such as the plaster ceiling rose I’m going to get…

    October 11, 2019
  • Old telephone booth turned into sofa

    5 Examples of Repurposed Furniture

    I’m a big enthusiast of furniture makeovers, although the DIY section on this blog is not exactly voluminous, and I really admire such true masters as Shenda, who take furniture upcycling to a whole new…

    August 14, 2019
  • Upholstering process

    My First Upholstery Project Gone Rogue

    My first upholstery project First thing you need to know that it’s not a typical DIY post with a tutorial, because the ‘Y’ isn’t exactly there, as I failed to do it all by…

    May 11, 2017